Institute of Software

The Institute of Software (ISPKU) focuses on the fundamental theory and technology of software and its engineering, including a wide-range of research areas such as theoretical computer science, software engineering, operating systems, computer graphics and information security. With a history of more than 60 years, ISPKU has grown to over 35 faculty members and more 200 graduate students. Specifically, ISPKU has 37 faculty members, including 12 full professors, 22 associate professors, 1 assistant professor, and 2 lecturers. Among them are 1 CAS Members, 1 Qian Ren Professor, 1 Chang Jiang Scholar, 1 winner of State Major Research Plan Funds for Basic Research, and 4 winners of NSFC Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Currently, 8 of the 37 faculty members are in the new tenure-track system. ISPKU has launched many research projects supported by national science and technology research funds, including the first software project in National Basic Research Program. Meanwhile, ISPKU has built collaborative relationships with many international organizations, universities, and companies. Many ISPKU alumni have become faculty members or researchers in prestigious universities and research labs around the world.

Main Research Areas:

(1) Software Engineering Environment Lab

(2) Operating Systems and Middleware Lab

(3) Knowledge and Requirement Engineering Lab

(4) Theoretical Computer Science Lab

(5) Information Security Lab

(6) Graphics and Interaction Technology Lab