Chen, Yifeng


Chen, Yifeng

Research Professor

Research Interests: Parallel and distributed computing

Office Phone: 86-10-5160 5655


Chen, Yifeng is a Associate Professor with Tenure and the director of Undergraduate Studies at the School of Computer Science. Research area includes multicore and manycore parallel programming languages. He has published at journals such as ACM TOPLS, TCS, Acta Informatica and conferences such as CONCUR, CSL, FM, MPC, ACM ICS, ACM PPoPP etc. He has served in several program committees including IPDPS’12’14, SC’12,ACM PPoPP’13’15, CCrid’14-1 and PLDI’15 ERC. He was a co-convener of the first and second NSF-NSFC Joint Conferences on Software. Yifeng Chen has led several national projects of grants totalling 10 million RMB or 1.5 million USD.